Advanced Technology for Maximum Performance

  • Compile and load modules
  • Setup "device mapper" block devices

ESS is license differently to differnet customers. Some ESS customers have "souce code rights". If you have source code rights, you can compile your ESS kernel module to target nearly any Linux kernel from 2.6.9 onwards.

If you do not have ESS "source code rights", then you kernel should match a kernel supported by EasyCo. Alternately, EasyCo can add support for your target kernel to our build list.

v 4.1

Version 4.1 is available in two formats. The first format is identical to the v 4.0 releases with pre-compiled kernel modules for a number of Linux kernel versions.

The second format is ESS distributed as an RPM. This is initially targetted at RHEL 7 / CentOS 7 x86_64. Other distributions are under development. ESS v 4.1 is installed from an RPM which handles most kernel issues automatically using the DKMS kernel management package.

Memory Requirements

ESS memory requirements can be substantial, and in some cases gargantuan. Memory requirements are documented in detail in ESS Memory Requirements.

  • Fast random reads
  • Fast linear writes
  • Decent endurance
  • Minimal overprovisioning (see SSD overprivisioning)

Depending on your application, ESS allows you to achieve very high performance and very long life deployments, usually using consumer SSDs. For example, with 3000 endurance consumer SSDs, most workloads can support at least one overwrite/day for 5 years before reaching the drive's endurance ratings. These numbers are often far in excess of the stated numbers from SSD manufacturers. SSD manufacturers expect a random write workload. With ESS, the SSDs never see a random write in their entire lifetime, so 3000 endurance means 3000 overwrites of the capacity of the drive.

  • NVRAM adapter cards with either batteries or super-caps
  • Logging to external servers

NV-RAM options are often intermixed with High Available Configuration and can involve customer software and/or hardware configuration.

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